This is a growing portfolio of works from Matthew Farmer. Look out for new novels, books of short stories, drabbles and more.


Navarr works in Accounts at the City’s biggest Golem factory. It’s an okay job.

His world is turned upside down when Mizzell, a refugee from another world, lands on his doorstep. She has come to this world to rescue her people who have been stolen by the very company Navarr works for, to power their new line of mechanical steam-powered golems.

Navarr and Mizzell must escape the clutches of the company’s team of enhanced hunters, on board a skyship crewed by a motley bunch of vagabonds. Their adventure takes them to the skies, amongst dragons and other sky pirates!

This is the first in a trilogy. Click on the book cover to buy your print-on-demand copy or e-book, from Amazon.

South of the Border Book CoverNavarr and Mizzell recoup in The Glade with Arramel, another refugee from Lymboss, Mizzell’s home world. But something is stirring in the mountains around them.

Meanwhile, the crew of the Cornwallis have fled south to the desert lands, but trouble is never far behind them. Framed for murder and their ship stolen, they join a trading caravan to try and rescue their young crew mates who were taken by slavers, riding giant lizards through the desert.

Destinies collide when Mizzell and Navarr arrive in giant slaver ships, while the crew of the Cornwallis are sold into slavery. Revolution burns, slaves rise up, and Mizzell finds her way back home, but for how long?

Continue the fight and love of Mizell and Navarr in the second book in the Girl from Out of Town Trilogy.